Official Website for Yokohama City
Visitors Bureau




Business Overview

Yokohama City Visitors Bureau is engaged in a range of work to support business events and the tourism sector. Not only do we strive to attract tourists to the city, we promote the city as an ideal location for business events, undertake relevant marketing activities, and offer top-class hospitality. To do so, we make use of expertise from the private sector and maximize their resources to uncover new businesses.

1. Attracting Visitors from Home and Abroad

In tandem with our member companies, who range from those in the tourism industry to experts from other cities in the prefecture, we work to increase the number of visitors to the region from both Japan and abroad. In addition to gathering relevant information from overseas, we communicate the appeals of Yokohama and its surrounds through well-timed, targeted advertising and promotional work, all of which is specifically catered to visitors’ needs.

2. Inviting and Supporting Business Events

Our expansive network of key persons aids in our efforts to bring medium- to large-scale international meetings to the city. Moreover, we team up with businesses in Yokohama to support incentive tours from overseas businesses, while offering excellent support programs that ensure the smooth running of events.

3. Marketing and Publicizing Yokohama as the Ideal Destination for Tourism and Business Events

YCVB undertakes target-specific marketing activities to attract tourists and business events to the city. We also maximize use of websites and social media to increase visitors to the region and uncover entirely new customer segments.

4. Supporting Visitors and Creating Welcoming Environments

YCVB provides optimal tourism information to ensure a comfortable stay for visitors to the city. We offer our support to the private sector and civic groups to ensure top-class hospitality for all who visit.

5. Collaborating with Private Businesses

Increasing numbers of visitors have given rise to accommodation and accessibility problems. YCVB offers financial support to private tourism and MICE-related projects that help to alleviate these issues.
