Yokohama City Visitors Bureau Top > 主催者の声 > ISGP conference series, Global Pathways to a Hydrogen Energy Futures
ISGP conference series, Global Pathways to a Hydrogen Energy Futures

Dr. George Atkinson
Institute on Science for Global Policy創設者及び会長
2023年4月7日(金)~10日(月)までパシフィコ横浜にて開催された「ISGP conference series, Global Pathways to a Hydrogen Energy Futures」(参加者総数80名、参加国数30か国)を終えて、会長のDr. George Atkinson氏よりコメントをいただきました。
Dr. George Atkinson氏 コメント
“I would like again to express my sincerest appreciation for the opportunity to visit Yokohama, Japan! The business environment surrounding Yokohama greatly facilitated the organization of a successful conference by the Institute on Science for Global Policy (ISGP) on Global Pathways to Hydrogen Energy Futures (GPHEF). The shopping, hotels, and amusement facilities provided a wonderful balance and access to entertainment, business, and nature throughout the city. We all look forward to returning to Yokohama again soon to again immerse ourselves in the beautiful Japanese culture and environment. Being here in the beautiful Cherry blossom season is a special treat.”

About ISGP:
会議名 ISGP conference series, Global Pathways to a Hydrogen Energy Futures
主催者 Institute on Science for Global Policy (ISGP)
会期 2023年4月6日~9日
開催地 パシフィコ横浜