【Press Release】Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau (YCVB) curates conferences with a lasting legacy: IFAC World Congress 2023
The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)World Congress 2023 was successfully held at PACIFICO Yokohama from July 9 to 14. The city’s synergy with the conference’s vision, explained by IFAC President Hajime Asama as “to solve societal problems and also to create societal values”, reinforces Yokohama as the leading destination city in Asia for international conferences with a lasting legacy.
URL https://business.yokohamajapan.com/media/en/file/press/231030.pdf
Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau (YCVB) curates conferences with a lasting legacy: Over 3,000 participants from over 62 countries gather in Yokohama for the International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress 2023